Photometrics Prime

4.2 Megapixel Scientific CMOS Camera

4.2 Megapixel Scientific CMOS Camera
Photometrics Prime is the first intelligent scientific CMOS (sCMOS) camera to incorporate a powerful FPGA-based Embedded Signal Processing™ engine (ESP). ESP enables advanced real-time processing features:

- PrimeEnhance™ quantitatively increases the Signal to Noise Ratio by 3X-5X, increasing the clarity and quality of images.

-PrimeLocate™ dynamically evaluates acquired images and reduces the surplus of data generated during high speed super-resolution imaging.
- Increase SNR 3x to 5x at low light levels by reducing photon shot-noise
- Preserve signal intensities ensuring quantitative measure-ments
- Extend cell lifetimes with reduced phototoxicity and photobleaching
- Extremely useful for low light imaging applications dominated by noise
The surplus of data generated by sCMOS devices – 800MB per second – is challenging to acquire, analyze, and store, requiring special interfaces and expensive SSDs. While a large Field of View (FOV) is convenient for imaging, at times, only certain areas contain the desired information.
Multi-ROI allows users to select up to 15 unique ROIs within the FOV, and only these selected regions are transferred to the host computer. This allows for a large reduction in the amount of data acquired but ensures that the critical information is obtained.
Photometrics Prime sCMOS 技术参数
 ● 420 万像素 sCMOS 芯片
 ● 量子效率(QE)峰值达到72%
 ● 2048 x 2048像素,像元尺寸 6.5 x 6.5 微米,对角线尺寸18.8mm
 ● 单像素线性满阱容量不低于30,000e-
 ● 16-bit数据输出
 ● 读出噪声不高于1e-(Median)
 ● 空气循环散热下制冷致恒温零下10度,液体循环散热下制冷致恒温零下25度
 ● 暗电流不高于0.06 e-/像素/秒(零下10度),0.01 e-/像素/秒(零下25度)
 ● 相机同时具备 PCIe 高速接口和 USB 3.0 通用型接口
 ● 全幅全分辨率采集帧速不小于 100 fps(PCIe),30fps(USB 3.0)
 ● 基于FPGA 在线图像处理(Enhanced Signal Processing),满足不同应用要求,减小客户使用负担
 ● PrimeEnhance 在线除噪技术:有效抑制光信号自身噪声,提高图像信噪比
 ● PrimeLocate 在线定位技术:针对单分子定位图像,仅传输有效数据来降低数据量,提高实验效率
 ● Multi-ROI 功能:客户自定义最多15个感兴趣区域,相机仅传输区域内信息,有效降低数据量并提高速度
 ● 多种触发模式:Trigger First, Edge, SMART Streaming
 ● 多种输出信号:Expose Out(最多四路输出), Read Out, Shutter Out, Trigger Ready
 ● 多种输出模式:First Row, Any Row, All Row
 ● 硬件支持多通道不同曝光时间快速循环切换,避免由于软件与相机通讯造成的采集速度降低,有效提高多通道成像速度
 ● 硬件支持相机和光源同步达到有效全局快门效果
 ● 免费 SDK 开发包

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